Effective Strategies to Fuel Growth

The Bridge Magazine®: Industry Knowledge from Oak Street Funding



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In This Issue

Our Bridge Magazine delivers the educational information you need to grow and stay competitive.

3 Strategies to Fuel Growth


While it’s satisfying to know your business has become financially larger and stronger under your leadership, there are also practical benefits. A growing business is generally a more profitable business, and when the time eventually comes to sell, a larger, healthier company will command a higher price.

Grow by Enhancing Customer Experiences

Increasing emotional engagement by implementing, for example, a Client Delight program can drive a 5% uplift in annual revenue. Review our infographic for more insights into enhancing the customer experience and its impacts on revenue.

6 Strategies for Acquisition Planning


Acquisitions can present an excellent way to grow your business practice quickly, gain valuable market share, and improve revenue and profitability. You’ll dramatically increase the chances that your acquisition will be a success by incorporating these considerations into your strategic acquisition planning.

10 Tips for Creating a Growth-Oriented Team

Business owners find themselves pulled in many different directions, without enough time in the day to complete the endless to-do list. Building a team with a growth mindset to support daily activities and ongoing customer needs is crucial to maximize business growth.