
Free Agency Marketplace

Confidentially market your agency, search for potential targets, or receive alerts for new listings matching your criteria using our FREE marketplace.



Simplify the M&A Process

On our Agency Exchange, buyers and sellers can review each other’s agency information and request details from Oak Street Funding to begin the merger or acquisition process.
  • Step 1: Review existing profiles
    Review vetted buyer or seller profiles.

  • Step 2: Complete your profiles
    Provide your contact information upon finding a target.

  • Step 3: Begin your M&A journey
    Work with an Oak Street Funding representative to find a viable target.

Simplify the M&A Process



Want to find an agency for sale?

Seller Listings are a way for agency owners to scope out what is available in their market. Complete as few or as many of the fields below to find an agency listing that interests you.


Thank you for your posting regarding your interest to sell an agency. You may request to remove your seller listing at any time by sending an email to, or via letter to Oak Street Funding, Attn: Jonica Drake, 8888 Keystone Crossing, Suite 1700, Indianapolis, IN 46240.

Oak Street does not represent any buyer or seller that lists on OSF Agency Exchange. Potential sellers and buyers are responsible for their own due diligence, negotiations, and documentation. Oak Street does not make any representations or warranties regarding any potential seller who may contact you through your listing. Similarly, Oak Street does not make any representations or warranties regarding any potential buyer who is listed on OSF Agency Exchange.


Looking to sell your agency?

Click to fill out the form with your agency’s information. An Oak Street Funding representative will be in contact to finalize your listing.

Want the latest marketplace news?

Sign up for listing alerts to be notified when new buyer or seller profiles join our marketplace.